Paint manufacturing equipment: information & news

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In Oliver + Batlle we are specialists in the design of equipment and integral solutions for paint manufacturers. We have created this section in our website where we want to provide relevant and quality information about paint manufacturing equipment.

Innovation, new technologies and environmental sustainability are the three main lines that guide the development and evolution of production systems. In this sense, through our blog we want to echo all those news, innovations and trends that occur in our sector.

We invite you to participate through the comments enabled in each article, contributing with your opinion or sharing with our community any doubts, consultations or releases of interest about anything.

Read all our Oliver+Batlle blog articles below.


Bituminous Mixture: Manufacturing Considerations

A bituminous mixture is made up of a binding material that encases each mineral particle of an aggregate, regardless of its grading. They traditionally come in two types: cold bituminous mixtures and hot bituminous mixtures. Cold mixtures…

Turnkey manufacturing plant

Before commissioning a new manufacturing plant, a series of factors must be considered to optimise processes and leverage the available space for efficient production. Apart from knowing the specific characteristics of the product manufacturing…
automatización industrial
fabricación de fitosanitarios / manufacture of phytosanitary products

The manufacture of liquid phytosanitary products by means of dispersers and mills

The manufacture of liquid phytosanitary products has some characteristics that must be taken into account when choosing the most efficient dispersers and mills. Liquid phytosanitary products or flowable products are terms generally used to…
plastisoles / plastisols

What are plastisols and how are they made?

Plastisols are compounds made with PVC resin, a plasticiser replacing Dioctyl Phthalate which provides flexibility and durability, and other additives such as calcium carbonate, epoxidised oil, stabilisers, colourants, etcetera. Also known…
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Oliver + Batlle at Paint & Coatings 2021

Paint & Coatings, an international event bringing together the main companies working in the surface treatment and paint technology sector, will be held on 16 and 17 November at Fira Barcelona. As a company specialised in developing machinery…

Bituminous Mixture: Manufacturing Considerations

A bituminous mixture is made up of a binding material that encases each mineral particle of an aggregate, regardless of its grading. They traditionally come in two types: cold bituminous mixtures and hot bituminous mixtures. Cold mixtures…

Turnkey manufacturing plant

Before commissioning a new manufacturing plant, a series of factors must be considered to optimise processes and leverage the available space for efficient production. Apart from knowing the specific characteristics of the product manufacturing…
automatización industrial
fabricación de fitosanitarios / manufacture of phytosanitary products

The manufacture of liquid phytosanitary products by means of dispersers and mills

The manufacture of liquid phytosanitary products has some characteristics that must be taken into account when choosing the most efficient dispersers and mills. Liquid phytosanitary products or flowable products are terms generally used to…
plastisoles / plastisols

What are plastisols and how are they made?

Plastisols are compounds made with PVC resin, a plasticiser replacing Dioctyl Phthalate which provides flexibility and durability, and other additives such as calcium carbonate, epoxidised oil, stabilisers, colourants, etcetera. Also known…
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Oliver + Batlle at Paint & Coatings 2021

Paint & Coatings, an international event bringing together the main companies working in the surface treatment and paint technology sector, will be held on 16 and 17 November at Fira Barcelona. As a company specialised in developing machinery…


In Oliver + Batlle we work to offer the best solutions in paint manufacturing equipment. Our services: technical service, sale of components or our test laboratory for the manufacturing equipment, allow us to maintain a direct and constant contact with our clients. Thanks to this, we are able to design equipment  adapted to each manufacturer specific needs.

With over 60 years of experience in the sector and our know-how, we are in O+B at the forefront of creating solutions and manufacturing equipment for the paint production. Our mixing equipment, grinding machines, filling equipment, accessories and other solutions for the paint industry are constantly updated. We introduce new features looking for the excellence in performance and optimization of the productive work of our customers.

In this section we want to share all the news, updates and information about paint production equipment,  clarifying doubts and providing knowledge and valuable information to the sector.

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